The Blog

Get the most out of your Flick app

Let’s be honest – the Flick mobile app (a world first, by the way), is pretty darn awesome! But to make sure you’re using it to its full potential, you need to check that your notification settings are optimised in the app and on your phone.

If that sounds way too confusing, don’t stress – we’ve got you covered. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting your set up right so we can notify you of special events, carbon levels and price spikes.

iOS users

(Available in Australia, UK and Germany iTunes stores)

  1. Open the Settings on your phone
  2. Scroll down and find the Flick app – click to open the phone settings for the app
  3. Click the Notifications bar to check the phone settings for the app
  4. Make sure all of the notification buttons are switched on (showing green) and the alert style is Alerts

Flick app iOS phone settings 1024x557

Android users

  1. Open the Settings on your phone
  2. Scroll down and click Application Manager
  3. Scroll down and click on the Flick app
  4. Make sure the show notifications box is ticked

Flick app Android 768x430

Or, if you’re running on a newer operating system, the following may apply:

  1. Open the Settings on your phone
  2. Scroll down and click Notifications
  3. Ensure the Flick app is selected and then click Advanced
  4. Make sure the first three options are selected

Flick app Android option two 768x427

Not quite hitting the spot?

We all know that from time to time our favourite apps have a mini-meltdown. Despite our best efforts, the Flick app isn’t immune from the odd misfire.

If you ever find your Flick app playing up, we want to hear about it so we can find a fix and stop that particular problem happening again.

The best thing to do is to fire an email to or give us a call at 0800 4 FLICK (435 425).

We’ve got big plans for evolving the Flick app, so we always love to hear suggested features from users that would help you make the most of #FlickLife!