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Flick's got the Rainbow Tick! [video]

Did you know that we’ve been Rainbow Tick certified since August 2016? It’s a pretty big string to our bow (rainbow, that is – see what we did there) and we’re flickin’ proud of it!

Here at Flick HQ, we’re big advocates for diversity and inclusion – in the workplace and life in general. We believe in practicing what we preach by valuing and appreciating each and every person in the Flick family, creating a workplace environment that is supportive and accepting, and fostering a strong culture of fairness and equality. It’s a crucial part of who we are, a major component of the foundations the company was built upon, and it’s something we’re incredibly proud of.

Looking for a power company that supports diversity, equality and inclusion? That’s us! Join Flick today.

So last year when we discovered The Rainbow Tick, a Kiwi organisation helping to promote safe and supportive workplaces for people of diverse gender identity and sexual orientation, of course we had to sign up!

The Rainbow Tick gives its certification to businesses who pass the Rainbow Tick audit (and we did – yippee!). For us, this process involved a Rainbow Tick staff member chatting to two focus groups of Flick staff members, one group who identified themselves as part of the LGBTTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, takatāpui and intersex) community, and the other group who didn’t. The groups were asked questions about our workplace environment and its relative inclusiveness for members of the LGBTTI community.

We were super chuffed to be recognised throughout the entire company for our genuine and positive attitude toward supporting our Rainbow staff, as well as being welcoming and accepting of diversity in general.

One of our developers, Libby, is an advocate for lesbian and gay rights, and volunteered to be a part of the focus groups. She recognises the importance of having visible role models for the LGBTTI community, particularly for young people, and a workplace in which the LGBTTI community feel comfortable being themselves.

Libby says that for Flick Electric, having the Rainbow Tick certification won’t really change day-to-day business operation too much because it’s already an inclusive and welcoming workplace (although continual audits will ensure we stay on the right track as we grow). But she thinks it’s a great way to let prospective staff members and customers know where Flick stands on supporting the Rainbow community and issues of diversity.

“It demonstrates to people outside [of Flick Electric Co.] that we’re a diverse company and that we acknowledge diversity in the work force.

It’s a sign that the company is aware of it [diversity and inclusivity], and that it’s important.”

Yip, it certainly is for us here at Flick, and we can’t wait to see that become the norm throughout the rest of our neat little country!