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Why we sponsor One Percent Collective

There’s lots to love about our buddies over at One Percent Collective.

For a start, they’re a dedicated bunch; a small and perfectly formed crew who work their butts off to help their 11 partner charities receive much-needed funds.

We also love them for their values: they’re all about being open, being human and being real! For them, that means being completely transparent in their business, and making sure that every dollar reaches its chosen charity. It also means getting out there and meeting the people behind these amazing organisations, as well as the people who support them. And lastly, it means real stories, from real people. So much to love!

But what do they do that’s so different? In a nutshell, they make donating easy! As a donor, you simply sign up to donate 1% of your salary, or whatever you can afford, and choose from the group of partner charities who you would like to support. One Percent Collective takes care of the rest.

Because we love what these guys do, we were super keen to jump on board as a Superhero Sponsor, providing funding to help the One Percent Collective team cover their everyday needs so that their time and energy can be spent where it’s needed most - helping charities. Earlier this month they sent us stories from some of the charities they support - it’s awesome stuff!

Just Being Otis

Just Being Otis - One Percent Collective sponsored by Flick Electric Co.

8-year-old Otis is a big brother to three, he’s a kick-ass bike rider, and he has Down Syndrome. Thanks to funding from Kiwi charity Upside Downs, he’s been receiving speech therapy training since he was four months old. That has meant huge things for Otis and his family, giving him the skills to communicate his needs and have more independence. It means he’s able to socialise and make friends, keep up with his classmates, and have the same opportunities as any other Kiwi kid. Best of all, it’s given him the chance to just be himself. Otis’ Mum, Asha, believes that speech therapy has the potential to change how the world sees people with Down Syndrome. 

Getting Brave With Food

Garden To Table

10-year-old Abby used to hate most vegetables and foods that fell outside her comfort zone; in fact, her Mum used to hide vegetables in her dinner to get her to eat them. But, thanks to Garden to Table, Abby’s attitude to food has had a huge overhaul. Garden to Table aims to get rid of the disconnection between food and plate and help children develop strong, healthy relationships with their food. They run practical education programmes in schools throughout the country that teach kids how to plant, grow and cook their own food while also taking care of the environment around them. The programme has been life-changing for Abby, who’s now passionate about planting and harvesting her own vegetables, and then using them in her cooking to create dishes that are adventurous and tasty. Not only has Garden to Table inspired Abby to be braver with her food, it’s got her taking on challenges in other parts of her life too, including new subjects at school - awesome!

Hustling For An Education

Spinning top

Brilliant wee charity SpinningTop looks after vulnerable kids who have been abandoned or orphaned due to war. Most of their work is in Burma and along the Thai border, providing education, nutrition, shelter and play to the kids. Often, it’s about teaching them simple skills like gardening and basic hygiene. In this story, One Percent Collective chats with SpinningTop Manager, Annie Fischer, who says that the need for help is still great, especially with Myanmar’s current political unrest.

A Helping Hand For Tonga

Take my hands

Hear the name ‘Tonga’ and you might imagine only beautiful beaches and decadent seafood. But Take My Hands’ managing trustee, Janette, knows that there’s another side to it all - one of a country that lacks adequate healthcare and medical equipment, and has a high rate of obesity. For Take My Hands, a charity whose purpose is to rehome NZ’s medical equipment with those who need it throughout the Asia Pacific area, Tonga is an ideal fit. It means that the vital medical gear, like cardiotocography (CTG) machines and ventilation supplies will be put to excellent use helping newborn babies, and won’t be sent to landfill.