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Give A Flick: LEDs for Wellington Women's Boarding House

When the stats show that 1 in 5 Kiwis go without power because they can’t afford to use it, it’s a very sad sign that energy poverty is alive here in NZ.

If you’ve seen our Give A Flick campaign on social media, you’ll know that addressing energy poverty is something we’re very serious about. The evidence shows that energy poverty has strong correlations with our unhealthy homes, high rates of infant mortality and hospitalisation for respiratory illnesses. It’s clearly an issue that needs confronting head-on. We’ve set ourselves some lofty-but-achievable goals to help bring an end to energy poverty here in NZ, and we’re starting this by fitting out the homes of vulnerable families with more than 10,000 energy efficient LED ‘shulbs’. Collectively, these lightbulbs can help Kiwis save over $1 million (over the lifetime of the bulbs) - roughly $400 a year on power per household! That’s some serious money that a struggling family can put to good use elsewhere.

Getting the bulbs to those who need them

We’ve partnered up with a number of local charities and organisations through our Give A Flick campaign, who’re able to distribute the LED bulbs to those who need them most.

Flick Electric fitting out LED bulbs at Wellington Women's Boarding House

Last week, we headed down to Wellington Women’s Boarding House - a supportive space for women who’re in need of a safe place to stay - to fit them out with LED bulbs. The house, which is usually full, relies on the kindness of volunteers and donors to keep its doors open and run smoothly and effectively for its residents.

Give A Flick campaign at Wellington Women's Boarding House

It’s a fairly large premise, with 19 rooms, plus a lounge, kitchen and hallway, so the 50-odd LED bulbs that were installed will be sure to make a big difference to the organisation’s power bills.

We’ll be spreading the shulb goodness far and wide over the next few months, as we join forces with our partner organisations (including the Auckland and Christchurch City Missions, Well Homes Wellington and the Dunedin Curtain Bank) to reach even more vulnerable homes. Watch this space!

P.S. In case you were wondering how many Flicksters it takes to change a lightbulb (or 50)… the magic number was seven!

Looking for a bit of light reading? Here ya go: