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Farewell FIXIE, hello Off Peak and Flat!

This week marks a milestone moment for us here at Flick as we say hāere ra to one of our old-school, early pricing plans, FIXIE.

Those of you who’ve been with us a while might remember that FIXIE came into the fold back in 2018 to offer some stability against a very rocky wholesale market, and it’s been our most popular pricing plan since. So, why are we phasing out FIXIE, and – the biggest question of all – what’s taking its place?

FIXIE to the rescue

When we first opened our doors back in 2014, we only offered wholesale pricing (then known as Freestyle). But in 2017 and 2018 we began to see some obvious instability in the market, and signs that current regulations weren’t supportive of independents buying and selling power at spot prices to customers. So in 2018 we created FIXIE as an alternative to Freestyle - it meant that we could offer customers a fixed-price product that gave them price certainty and helped safeguard them from volatile spot prices.

FIXIE’s great, but…

Since then, FIXIE’s done its job and done it well. But, if we’re honest, it was created quickly to solve a problem and over time, as we’ve explored and tested along the way, we’ve learned it’s not a perfect product. It’s clunky, time-consuming and tricky to maintain, and most importantly, it’s been a difficult plan for customers to understand. FIXIE’s price promise proved a head-scratcher for lots of Flicksters because it related only to the generation part of the price, adding more complexity to an already-confusing subject. We always felt that, given the time, tech resources and a bit more research into what our customers want, we could improve on it. So… now we have!

Introducing Off Peak and Flat

Whether you’re a conscious consumer or a ‘keep it simple’ kinda person, we’ve created two pricing plans that replace FIXIE and work with the way our Flick whānau lives.


Flat is our no-fuss pricing plan with a set-unit rate that stays the same, day and night. It’s ideal for households that can’t use power in off-peak times or folks who don’t want to have to watch the clock.

We’ve designed Flat so that you’ll pay a fair rate (y’all know us) for your power, all day, every day, so if set-and-forget sounds like you, Flat’s your plan.

Off Peak

If you’re looking to do things better by Māmā Nature and your wallet, Off Peak is the plan for you. You’ll have access to cheaper power prices during off-peak hours and all weekend long!

We’re the first electricity retailer to offer off-peak pricing to ALL New Zealanders across the entire weekend – so no matter where you are in Aotearoa, you can still make the most of off-peak pricing.

The cherry on top? By taking your power off-peak, you’re having a positive impact on the environment, too. Shifting your power usage to times of lower demand means you’re helping to lessen the load on our electricity infrastructure, using power when our renewables are doing the grunt work and the energy in the grid is nice and clean.

(Check out our Carbon Tracker to see how this plays out over the course of a day)

What are the off-peak hours?

Off-peak hours are 11am-5pm, 9pm-7am and all weekend from 12am Saturday - 11.59pm Sunday.

Keeping track of your peak and off-peak hours is easy from your Flick app, and because we know you’ll still need to use power in peak times, as always, we’ve made sure our peak prices are fair, too. Winning!

Changing plans

Whichever plan you choose, switching is simple from your Flick dashboard. Head to your Account tab and down to ‘Change Plan’, then take your pick. Easy.

Got questions?

We’re always here for the electricity chat, so call us on 0800 435 42 or send an email to