The Blog

A message from Steve

Kia ora Flicksters,

After nearly nine years at the helm of Flick Electric Co., I want to let you know that I’ve made the decision to step aside as Flick’s CEO (AKA Chief Flickster). Although a little sentimental about it, I’m immensely proud of the company we’ve built from the ground up.

When a few of us first tossed around the idea of starting up our own power company back in 2014, as a new model and challenger in what had become an antiquated, self-serving industry, I had a feeling we were onto something good. The time was right, and we knew that Kiwis were ready for change.

Starting, running and growing an electricity company (or any company for that matter) is by no means easy, and we’ve had our challenges along the way. From the ‘dry winter’ of 2017, the massive upsurge in spot prices in recent years, inefficiencies in NZ’s electricity market and managing the impacts of COVID-19, the curveballs have certainly kept us on our toes.

It has meant a lot of pivoting, and being agile and open to change. But that, of course, leads to new ways of thinking, testing and doing. It has meant we’ve developed innovative, groundbreaking products, like the Flick app, Carbon Tracker and our Off Peak pricing plan, and uncovered opportunities that we otherwise might not have come across (the acceptable work-from-home attire of a business shirt and board shorts being one!).

Despite the changes life has thrown our way, our focus has never wavered from our customers, and since the very beginning we’ve been driven to deliver Kiwi households the very best customer experience. I was thrilled for the team to once again be named Consumer NZ’s Energy Retailer of the Year last year, and that was in large part due to our industry-leading customer service (we ranked highly in all aspects of Consumer NZ’s annual satisfaction survey, with results significantly above the industry average) and customer-focused innovations. Taking care of our customers is ingrained in our culture here at Flick, and our Flick whānau can continue to count on that being our number one priority as we move forwards.

Over the years, I’m especially proud of the way that Flick as a company has rattled cages in the industry, and stood up as a voice for New Zealanders in the fight for fair power prices. The system’s not fit for purpose nor is it fit to fairly serve Kiwi consumers, and as more and more industry players join in our push for change, I remain very hopeful that our call will be met with meaningful action.

No doubt the opportunities, changes and challenges will continue as Flick progresses, particularly as we move to tackle the global climate crisis and steer Aotearoa towards a more electrified future. I’m excited to see Flick’s vision unfold.

The time now feels right for me to be passing on the mantle, and I do so, knowing that I leave you all in the very best of hands – those of a talented team that has all the energy, innovation and passion required to lead Flick onwards through the next big, bold and exciting stages of the journey.

Stepping into my role, as acting CEO, will be Sunil Unka. Sunil has headed our Marketing team as CMO for the last two years, and leads with an inspiring mix of vision, compassion, enthusiasm and integrity. He, along with our wider leadership team, lives and breathes our Flick values, and our vision of an Aotearoa that does right by people and planet.

I will be remaining at Flick in a part-time, advisory capacity for the next couple of months to assist the team, before taking some well-earned time out and staying open to what new adventures may be ahead for me.

Thank you all for your incredible support of Flick over the years.

Ngā mihi nui,
