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What’s off-peak power and how does it work?

Savings and Sustainability: Make The Most Of Off-Peak Power in NZ with Flick Electric

How does off-peak work?

Off-peak power is the electricity you use when not many other Kiwis are using it. In NZ, electricity demand goes up and down throughout the day, peaking during certain hours and dipping during others.

Electricity is hard to store so it’s generated at the same time it’s used. During peak hours when everyone wakes up, flicks on the kettle, and businesses open the doors, there’s high demand on the national grid. It’s a challenge generating enough power using renewable sources during this time, so Aotearoa has to lean on fossil-fuelled generators which are more expensive. This means the cost of electricity goes up.

What is the cheapest time to use electricity in NZ?

On the flip side, off-peak hours are the quieter times of the day: late at night, the middle of the day and early mornings when businesses are closed, and households are asleep or at work. There’s lots of energy available, usually generated by renewable sources, such as wind, hydro, and solar power, which is cheaper and, as we all know, better for the planet.

Flick Electric’s Off Peak plan offers reduced rates during off-peak hours (also known as Time-Of-Use or TOU pricing), making it a good option for budget-conscious Kiwis. And, since the power is more likely to come from renewable sources during off-peak hours, you’re not just saving money, you’re also doing your bit for the planet. Flick yeah!

What are Flick’s off-peak hours?

Flick’s Off Peak plan is aligned with the hours that fewer Kiwis are using power – a whopping 76% of the week! The table below shows off-peak times during the week and all weekend long which we offer at off-peak rates.

7am - 11am11am - 5pm5pm - 9pm9pm - 7amAll Weekend

Load-shifting electricity – the easy way to save money on your power bill!

Load-shifting is the practice of moving the times you use your power to align with off-peak hours. As we’ve mentioned above, shifting your usage not only helps you save money on your power bill, it also helps reduce pressure on the grid and the need for fossil-fuelled generators. Plus, it’s a good way to make the most of renewable energy by using it more when demand is lower.

And good news – embracing load-shifting is easy, too! Simple changes to your daily routine and habits can make a big difference. Here are some tips to shift your power usage and keep those dollars in your pocket:

  1. Time your appliances – schedule tasks like laundry, dishwashing, and charging EVs to coincide with off-peak hours.
  2. Invest in Smart Home devices – smart thermostats, timers, and energy monitors can do the work for you and set up your appliance to turn on during off-peak times.
  3. Prioritise energy efficiency – upgrade to energy-efficient appliances and lighting, such as LED bulbs to minimise your overall electricity usage.
  4. Be mindful of peak times – avoid running multiple high-consumption appliances at the same time during peak hours to help prevent unnecessary strain on the grid.

We’re here to help Kiwis take back power – and switching your usage to off-peak means you’re in charge of your bill.